Nominations for 2023 Kentucky Teacher of the Year are open

Jeremy Castillo Hernandez

From elementary all the way to college, it’s easy to say that teachers are some of the most memorable people in an individual’s lifetime. Their work is responsible for where students stand today. Over the last two years, their profession has become more needed, but less acknowledged. However, on January 10, 2022 the Kentucky Department of Education made an announcement involving a recompense for teachers across the state.

The Kentucky Department of Education announced that nominations for the 2023 Kentucky Teacher of the Year Award were open. According to an interview by Kentucky Teacher, “The Kentucky Teacher Awards are an excellent opportunity to highlight the people who work every day to prepare our children for a bright and meaningful future,” said Kentucky Commissioner of Education Jason E. Glass. This year, the program will be sponsored by the Kentucky Department of Education along with Valvoline Inc. and will be the 22nd consecutive awards program.

According to the Kentucky Department of Education, Any full-time public school teacher in the state with at least three years of experience is eligible. Nominations are accepted from students, parents, teaching peers, principals, superintendents, or anyone wanting to recognize an educator for their work. All nominees will then have to submit a completed application by March 21 which will be judged by a panel of blue ribbon professional judges. 

The winners will be categorized into three groups. 24 teachers will be given the Valvoline Teacher Achievement Award and will each receive a cash prize of $500; two of the three finalists will receive a cash prize of $3,000; and the Kentucky Teacher of the Year will receive the prize of $10,000 along with the honor to represent Kentucky in the National Teacher of the Year competition.

Considering that the last two school years have been substandard, it’s important to recognize our teachers for their persistence. Afterall, teachers play an incredible role in edifying our future leaders, it may not be May 3 (Teacher Appreciation Day), but by nominating our teachers we are letting them know that their sacrifice does not go unnoticed. The deadline for nominations is February 21, 2022 and can be submitted via this Google Form: