As women’s volleyball has become a more popular sport, pro teams have started to emerge. LOVB, League One Volleyball, describes itself as a volleyball ecosystem. This organization comprises club teams around the US and six professional teams. Lexington United Volleyball Club (LUV) and Union Volleyball Club are two club volleyball organizations under LOVB. While the club side of LOVB started in 2020 when it was founded, the pro season was launched in late 2024.
The six LOVB pro teams are in Atlanta, Austin, Houston, Madison, Omaha, and Salt Lake. Their season comprises 14 weeks of games located in the listed cities, as well as a few in Kansas City and Louisville. To view these games, you can purchase tickets to attend in person or watch online/on TV. Every game is streamed on ESPN+ or LOVBlive.
The athletes on these teams have incredible resumes. Many have competed in college and some have even gone to the Olympics and won medals. Some big names from the college level that just signed are Lexi Rodriguez from Nebraska and Maddison Skinner from Texas. Skinner has won three national championships in her college career, her first being with the Kentucky Wildcats.
This organization is a huge advance in the volleyball community. In the past, college athletes either had to quit playing the sport at a high level, or they would have to travel out of the country to play on a professional level. Now these athletes can stay close to home to continue playing and honing in on their skills. This also is a great thing for volleyball fans. While basketball and football fans have teams they can root for and watch throughout the seasons, volleyball fans can get that now.
LOVB is a great addition to the volleyball community. They believe in building up their athletes at every stage. They have taken great coaches and athletes to provide fans with entertainment, as well as intense competition between the teams. The current season still has multiple games remaining, as it is only week three. Let’s hope the volleyball community continues to grow in athletes and viewership.