The HC GoGreen Club is aiming towards raising awareness about environmental issues. The club has done many things so far this year to accomplish their goal, but are still planning on doing a lot more to help their cause. They are also still open to new members for those who want to do some good for their environment. They meet in room 155 every second and third Monday.
“[The club did] a campus cleanup where [they] picked up trash around campus,” Mr. Tim Bailie, the sponsor of GoGreen, said. “[They’ve also done] a tree investigation where [they] learned how to identify trees on campus and brought awareness to trees on campus [and] measured the amount of carbon dioxide in the building in different places to see how the carbon dioxide levels change.
Currently, GoGreen has been working on collecting holiday lights to recycle them to ensure they don’t clog up trash machines. They also are important in the school recycling program, as they are responsible for collecting recycling every Friday during Advisory.
There are multiple goals that GoGreen is trying to accomplish over this school year. “[They want to raise awareness on environmental issues by explaining how] carbon dioxide and policies may affect the environment,” Bailie said. “[We can make] the Earth a better place by raising awareness on the impact our choices have on the world around us.”
GoGreen is promoting to help make the school and world a better place. There is more information about the club on posters in the hallway.